When blockchain began to pay more attention to its development in practical applications and implementation, people no longer just issued digital currencies or conducted ICOs, but paid more attention to how to use blockchain technology to transform traditional industries. Whether it is retail or finance, blockchain technology can be used to solve problems.

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Blockchain has become a new driving force that can bring new growth momentum to the development of traditional industries. Unlike new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence, blockchain focuses more on reconstructing and reshaping these changed elements. Blockchain aggregates these scattered branches together, similar to the Internet, providing new possibilities for the development of the industry.

However, blockchain is not the only driving force. In addition to blockchain, new technologies such as big data, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are equally important. Unlike these technologies that solve internal problems in traditional industries, blockchain focuses more on how to reconstruct and reshape these changed elements.

If we limit the application of blockchain to a certain industry and ignore connecting these industries, the function of blockchain will not be able to be maximized. Although applying blockchain to more industries is in line with its future development direction, if it is limited to a single industry and cannot form a scale, the development of blockchain is incomplete and its energy cannot be fully released.

The application of blockchain technology beyond digital currency represents a new development direction. The real test of the development of blockchain lies in how to deeply integrate technologies such as big data, cloud computing, blockchain and artificial intelligence, connect industries that will be changed by these technologies, and realize the digital life that people expect.

Therefore, we cannot only look at blockchain from a technical perspective, but need to distinguish blockchain technology from blockchain thinking. From a technical point of view, blockchain is a new data transmission technology, which is not much different from big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. For technology geeks, studying blockchain technology has become an inevitable choice.

However, it is not enough to just conduct technology research and development. It is also necessary to combine the needs of different application scenarios and launch solutions based on blockchain technology to enable personalized applications of blockchain technology. This is why technology geeks continue to develop blockchain technology and apply for patents.

From an ideological point of view, blockchain is a brand-new model, idea and practice, which is similar to the Internet. The Internet has brought people's production and life into the Internet era, and Internet life has become the mainstream business model. By analogy with the Internet, we can see the future development model of blockchain.

Blockchain will bring our production and life into the blockchain era, and digital life will become the mainstream. The blockchain model will become the mainstream business model in the future. Different from the "Internet +" business model, it is based on the deep integration of underlying technologies.

Although the blockchain model and the Internet model have similarities, there are essential differences between them. We cannot simply copy the Internet model to the blockchain model, nor can we simply copy the blockchain ideas from the Internet ideas. Truly recognizing this difference and exploring a unique business model for blockchain is the key to achieving the development of the blockchain industry.

When blockchain becomes mature, we see new developments that use blockchain as a gimmick. This development model is more imaginative than the early coin issuance or ICO. However, limiting blockchain technology to the technical level or certain scenarios will not fully realize its functions and effects.

Looking at the development of blockchain from the perspective of technology and ideas, and finding different ways and methods of development, is the key to the real implementation of blockchain. It is inappropriate to focus only on technology and ignore the ideological level, or to only regard blockchain as a technology rather than an idea. Only by truly understanding the dual attributes of blockchain can the development of the blockchain industry be opened up.