Recently was released the option to stake CYBER and earn points for it, the more CYBER you stake more points you receive. After, depending on quantity of your points you will receive a share of 1 Million CYBER.

Also, by staking $CYBER , you can participate in ecosystem aidrops, in which CYBER stakers will receive a series of aidrops from CYBER'S ecosystem partners. For now, already ocurred the ZK(Polyhedra network) airdrop, in which CYBER stakers received 333,333 coins.

A new airdrop is now available, SPACE ID airdrop in which will be airdroped ID token. To participate in the airdrop you need to stake at least 10 CYBER, if you already have, it's eligible too. Also you need to hold CYBER ID, or just create a new one, it's so simple to do, when you will create your ID, put more and more letters, until reaching 20 letters, so you will pay only 4.5$ for creating the CYBER ID.

To join the airdrop and to put your CYBER in staking, use my link and get more 15% in receiving points from stakingđŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


So don't miss your opportunity to make money with airdrops, there will be more airdrops for staking CYBER!!!

I wish you big profits!!! 🚀🚀🚀


#EMWYM #cyberToken #Staking #SPACEID #Airdrop‏⁩s