People who know how to make money will always make money, no matter how or where from. Simple! Read till the end!

They know how to take money from you! They know you aren't stable. While you don't have such money, you're still buying expensive things just to impress people you don't like, with money you don't have.

People outside dress well just for other people, but their bank accounts look like 🗑! They are so afraid that you might even think they're broke. Everything is fake! Broke people will tell you, 'fake it till you make it,' but by acting this way, you're missing true opportunities! Why? Because you're pretending to be someone you're not!

Most of y'all don't know crypto or are just holding a few dollars, but your actions and behavior say something else. I had a similar experience with a stranger that day! He was such a j3rk and so proud that he's been into crypto for a few years. He talked so much about it, but when it came to 'show me,' the results were awful. Yet, he acted like he had at least half a million! What a stupid kid. From there, I understood there are so many like him, living in their imaginations of 'One Day, I will make it.' Why wonder if you can start now?

Instead of learning charts and these stupid things, learn economics. Learn how money works and flows. Learn what happened in 2008 and back until 3 BC, what led to it. Learn how reserve banks work. Learn why they print money. Learn about inflation. Learn cause and effect.

Choose one book on economics and ecosystems, and read it. Once you've done that, move on to the next one, then the third one, and so on. After a few years, you will be amazed at how much knowledge you have about finances and economics.

Our brains are like sponges, get used to reading books! If you're young, it's amazing. Start little by little. Personally, I read a book per week, which is around 50 books a year! What about you?
