4.7 Ethereum early morning market analysis and operation ideas

Ethereum's intraday price has been in a narrow range of fluctuations. In the evening, the bulls pulled it up to around 3363 and then fell back. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator and the MACD technical indicator are in a state of short-term resonance and decline, and the BOLL technical indicator is running in the lower track area. At present, the MA three-day moving averages are all arranged in a short-term pattern, but it should be noted that the short-term MA5-day moving average is in a green TD1 long-term pattern with large volume. The trend here is opposite to the indicator. If the technical indicators continue to fall, then we can judge this technical indicator as a signal to induce longs. The specific trend depends on tomorrow's closing situation.

From the 4-hour technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicators and MACD technical indicators are both in a state of oscillation and decline, and the short-term BOLL technical indicators are in a state of oscillation and decline. From a short-term perspective, the MA5-day moving average and the MA10-day moving average are both in the stage of amplitude adjustment. The price of the currency will not fluctuate too much during the early morning, and profits can be pocketed in time.

Auntie: Shorting in the area around 3340-3360 Stop loss: 3393 Target: 3300-3280

Bitcoin: Shorting in the area around 68000-68300 Stop loss: 68700 Target 67300#BTC #ETH