When you focus about making money, you lose money.

When you focus about losing money, you lose money even faster.

At the moment where you least expected, when you don't care about money, you wake up and login to an exchange and find yourself a millionaire. Then you get greedy and decide to wait a little longer to make a quick buck, then it flat-out crashes the next day and you lose money.

Don't let greed blind you. Don't say "I want 1,000$ more so I'll wait a few more days" after reaching your sell goal. Cash out.

People lose money from bad investment. It's human nature. If you lost 100$ scratching a lottery ticket, you wouldn't buy a new one to "break even" from that. But in crypto, this sentiment hasn't really spread.

I've seen people go into deep debts trying to break even from their losses, hoping they can moonshot.

Don't focus straight on the money. Focus on the goals that will make you money.

Welcome to crypto. If you're the person who isn't willing to lose money, this probably isn't the place for you.$BTC TC $ETH TH $BNB B