Joining Launchpools is an action that many users see as logical. Help users earn money and increase the price of $BNB .

So how does it allow users to earn money?

Users provide liquidity to the system by staking their FDUSD or BNB during the staking period. In exchange for this liquidity provided for a few days, they earn the coin called Launchpool as a reward. To participate, all you have to do is bet once.

When the time expires, the balance will automatically return to your spot wallet. So it requires almost no effort.

The possibility of participating with FDUSD, that is, dollars, also attracts the attention of investors outside the crypto ecosystem. For people interested in stocks or mutual funds, staking risk-free FDUSD is a logical income model. Of course, my preference is to stake with BNB because BNB has been showing good performance lately and the income earned from staking is also added to the income earned due to the rise of BNB.