Tomorrow is April 5, and Satoshi, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, will celebrate his 49th birthday. This date was not chosen at random when registering his pseudonym. a year of symbolism in the history of electronic money and financial decentralization.

Satoshi opted for April 5, 1975 as his date of birth when registering his pseudonym with the P2P Foundation. This selection could be attributed to a major event in the monetary history of the United States. Indeed, April 5 marks an important date: the anniversary of Executive Order 6102 issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.

This executive order, enacted during the Great Depression, prohibited American citizens from owning or accumulating gold in the form of coins, bars or certificates. It aimed to control the circulation of gold in the economy and stabilize the financial system. , this ban has sparked controversy and various reactions.

The year 1975 also has special significance in this story. Indeed, on the last day of 1974, President Gerald Ford terminated Executive Order 6102, legalizing the possession and storage of gold in the United States and France. This decision marked a turning point in American monetary policy and paved the way for greater financial freedom for citizens.

By choosing April 5, 1975 as his date of birth, Satoshi may therefore have wanted to symbolically emphasize the importance of financial decentralization and individual freedom in the field of electronic money.

Why did Satoshi choose April 5, 1975 as his birthdate? a) Because it is the real date of his birth b) To symbolically mark an event linked to American monetary policy c) By pure chance

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