Investment is a rational behavior, which is long-term and even lasts a lifetime. A successful investor should insist on not being infected or misled by market sentiment, always keep calm, not be crazy about rising prices or afraid of falling prices, focus on long-term value analysis and judgment, let rational and mature investment concepts rather than emotions control your investment behavior, and eliminate all irrational buying and selling impulses. Only in this way can your investment have a stable future.

Pandian Air Conditions:

It showed a unilateral downward trend during the day, with a strong decline in the morning and a rebound in the afternoon. Wei Yi was short near 67600 and 3310, and the big cake took more than 1200 points of space, and the ether took more than 60 points of space. In the evening, it also followed up to take space. The intraday air condition was also consistent with Wei Yi's idea, giving a rebound short as expected, and perfectly giving near the upward resistance, and retreating as expected.

Airline analysis:

The market showed a unilateral retracement and decline during the day. Although it rebounded in the afternoon, the strength was insufficient and the decline continued. From the one-hour line, it rebounded upward. Looking at the four-hour line, the bullish strength was insufficient. The kdj line formed a golden cross. In the short term, we can first look at the rebound strength and continue to short. The bottom line of the day continued to be broken and the high was pulled down. Pay attention to the first-line position near 67500 in the evening, and continue to maintain the intraday idea of ​​rebounding short in the evening.

Due to the large decline in the previous period, the current rebound will not be achieved overnight. Even if it rebounds, it will fluctuate and go up repeatedly, so there will still be a decline in the process of rising. Then, short-term short layout can also be made around the suppression point. Here, we pay attention to the 67300 suppression point, which is the key defense point of the previous bulls. There is support conversion position suppression. If it reaches here, short short participation will be involved.

Bitcoin suggestion: short around 67300: target 64000

Ether suggestion: short around 3300, target 3100

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