I remember that year in 2013, I saw a big idiot throwing a hard drive with more than 6,000 BTC in the garbage dump.

Then he went to compress the garbage block every day, and he said that one day the value of the hard drive would make you help me.

Bitcoin still has many uses now. It has value because there is demand, otherwise Bitcoin would have disappeared long ago. For example, Bitcoin transactions are extremely private, convenient, and decentralized.

Unregulated is one of its characteristics, which physical currency cannot do. In addition, many platforms now support Bitcoin, and Bitcoin can be used to buy things, reward, etc.

As for when to enter the market, it can be any time. The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, and the second best time is now.

And it doesn’t matter for the VIPs who followed us last year. They bought when no one cared, and now they sell when there are a lot of people. Now they have made a lot of money, and those who are still here are just people who missed the wind and insisted on coming. The most interesting thing is that a group of people who missed the wind laugh at a group of people who have already stood on the wind and landed smoothly after taking off.

Give you some ideas: if there is no loss, it is a profit. If you lose, you are willing to accept the loss. If you make money, just watch!

If you are a large institution and you are old, then you should do this.

Suppose you have 1 million to invest, and this is your spare money. Then:

1. Never buy a full position, at least 1/3 of the funds are not bought;

2. If the stock price plummets by 10% in a single day, buy 30% of the position, and then plummet by 10% within a week, and then buy another 30% position;

3. If the stock price soars by 10% in a single day, sell 30%, and then sell again if it rises again, sell more if it rises more!

4. If the stock price plummets by more than 20%, buy a full position and go all in! Don't sell if it doesn't rise.

Remember the first point! Always remember the first point!