Universal Wallet - Development Update 01

Dear LTO Community,

As promised, I am following up our Wallet Roadmap with regular technical updates to show you howe we are progressing and where the wallet development is at.

We have made HUGE progress in the last two weeks since the Roadmap. Several key pieces of technology which we have been developing are nearing not just completion, but integration also.

The way that development on this project works is that, we first have to build any major backend functions that are required. This is then followed up by building a front end to those functions in to the SDK wallet. Then Rocketlab guys will integrate our SDK code into the iOS and Android versions of the wallet.

Relay Server:

The most crucial thing we have been working on is the Relay Server. This serves as the backbone for all of the major utilities of the Ownables. An Ownable is not so useful if you can't send it to someone from the wallet. The transfer functions of the relay server are also used by the Bridge (the Ownable must be sent to the Bridge so that it can verify it before bridging) and also when an Ownable is created, it must be able to be sent to the wallet of the first owner.

This is all done via the Relay Server.

The Relay Server code is complete and we have made updates to the required libraries. We also had to update the LTO Network libraries as well as some of the calls from the Relay Server were not responding correctly. The changes here need to be merged across the various code branches and then this aspect will be considered complete. We expect the Relay Server to be finalised by early to mid next week.

Ownable Generator:

The Ownables Generator is an app that lets you create an Ownable without any coding skills, using just a web page. This app now creates the Ownable, it mints an NFT on EVM chains which is married to your new Ownable and then collects payment in $LTO for the gas fees and TX fees.

All that is required now is to connect it to the Relay Server so it sends the Ownable to the person who asked for it to be made. Once this is done, we will need to test and see if any issues come up.

Ownables Bridge: The bridge allows you to lock your Ownable and release an NFT on EVM chains so that the Ownable can be traded on NFT marketplaces. (Once the trading happens, you can bring the NFT back to the bridge and redeem your Ownable).

The backend for this has been complete for some time, but the front end needs work. So far we have the Ownable locking function done. We now need to wait for the Relay Server to be complete so the wallet can send the Ownable to the bridge for verification.

Transfer Ownables:

When the Relay Server is done also, the button that allows you to send an Ownable from one person to another from the wallet will also be able to be completed.

General: The Rocketlab guys are going to let me know when the next sprint will be done at their end. Their next spring will bring all the management functionality to the Ownables (sorting, making groups/collections/filtering etc) as well as integrating our Bridge UI and the code we will deliver, including the Transfer Ownables function.

We will do an assessment early next week to see what other tasks are remaining to be done and re-evaluate from there.

I will provide another community update in around 2 weeks.


LTO Team