
When you want to enter into any project to increase your $$, there are two basic rules:

#1 - Enter a part of your profits in any business or field and do not enter from your capital. This part will not be regretted if you are deceived or misled in it. It is a part you will not regret and it is part of your profits. Consider it surplus and lost.

#2 _ Secure the capital you entered when you doubled the profits in the project you entered into. Do not aspire to increase the profits when the accumulated amount has grown. Rather, secure the amount you entered and continue with the profits if you want to continue it, and with every period and period, withdraw a portion of the profits to feel the taste. Benefit of the project

#3 - When you share what you are doing to others, you must warn them and release your liability.

#بالتوفيق For everyone