🚹The market for $ENA parts is not looking very good at the moment.

It is trading at $0.635 and there are not many buyers or sellers. Some people who bought $ENA for less than $0.3 before its launch are now selling for a profit, especially if they can sell for more than $0.8 or $0.6 per $ENA

If you bought ENA right after it launched at $0.8 or $0.6, the price has stabilized. It doesn't go up or down much.

If you bought ENA at a higher price and are considering selling, it might be best to wait and see. If you're considering purchasing, it's probably a good idea to wait the next 2-3 days. You may be able to buy ENA at around $0.45 and make a profit.

Please remember that this is just a suggestion and not financial advice. Always do your own research before buying or selling #crypto-monnaies