What is happening with LTC, while the market is going through a little bad moment, LTC has experienced a small drop but it is nothing compared to the rest of the altcoins, on 3/31 it reached 112.8 and the best is still recovering (more than 8% up) while all altcoins continue to fall. and nuance? What is happening with matic, apparently it is following in the footsteps of the other altcoins, it was now at 0.9048 after having an average drop between 8% and 10% like the rest of the cryptos, according to analysts it is on its way to continue falling by up to the minuses 0.85 where the greatest quantities of purchase orders are found, will it decrease more matic? or it will recover the memory and upload like ltc is doing #LTC✅ #MaticOpportunity #Binance #Altseasson