🚹👀 Attention all traders! Get ready for the exciting listing of $ENA on the market, happening in less than 30 minutes! As the volatility heats up, here are some expert tips to navigate the trading frenzy:

1. Keep your cool: Emotions like fear and greed can cloud judgment. Stay level-headed and stick to your trading plan.

2. Set limits: Define your risk tolerance by setting clear loss limits before diving into any trade.

3. Only risk what you can afford: Invest responsibly by only putting in what you can afford to lose. Safety first!

4. Think long-term: Don't sweat the daily ups and downs. Focus on the big picture and stay committed to your long-term investment goals.

With $ENA about to shake up the market, remember to tread carefully and seize the opportunities wisely. #MemeCoinsSeason ns #BinanceLaunchpoo l #BullorBear. r 📈🚀