🌪️ The wheel of history is rolling forward, but don’t forget, it will occasionally look back! Do you still remember that thrilling summer of 2022? Bitcoin plummeted from 48,200 to 16,500 in just a few weeks, which seemed like a century. Now, as time has come to 2024, many people are looking forward to Bitcoin reaching a high of $150k in one fell swoop, but don’t forget that history is always surprisingly similar.

🐳 In this choppy crypto ocean, there are always some behemoths - we call them "big whales". They quietly control the market's direction and use the media's gossip to lure hopeful investors into taking the bait. When the benefits reach their peak, they will quickly leave, leaving only a mess and countless heartbroken boats.

💡 Friends, it’s time to keep your eyes peeled! Bitcoin is now hovering near 70k, and there are undercurrents surging beneath the seemingly calm waters. Historical data tells us that it is unlikely that Bitcoin will break through $75,000 this year. So, it’s time to think about how to protect your assets!

🔍 Want to know more insider information about the crypto market? Want to know how to stay safe in this game? Then please pay attention to Sledgehammer and explore this crypto world full of opportunities and risks together! #CryptoInsights #ProtectYourAssets #Meme