Many of my friends have a characteristic, which is that they pay too much attention to one day's trading results and ignore the changes brought about by the system's persistence for a year.

In fact, trading discipline and execution are essentially derived from the cultivation of daily habits. Without a lot of repeated use, it is impossible to develop a fixed, modeled way of thinking in the brain.

In other words, we must consciously shape our brains and accustom them to using a certain thinking model to understand and judge trends. By establishing the model, you can find out what you are good at and what type of transactions you prefer.

Follow the trend, medium and long term? Advantage point, band operation? Make the detonation point, short-term trading?

These three trading schools actually all have a "new trick" positive expected profit model. What is the difficulty?

The difficulty is that idealized graphic trends are rare, and one always has to wait boringly for opportunities. One's willpower is always worn away by time, until one's scattered attention becomes attracted by the market and one impulsively makes some extra operations, eventually deviating from one's own principles.

So the principles of success are always simple, but many people cannot do it, which makes it seem useless. In fact, looking at the market today, there are always some excellent traders who come later and use the results to prove that these "big principles" are old but have always been effective.

Therefore, we often need to ask ourselves:

1. Have we followed the most basic and core operating mode, which is the main line of your transaction?

Just like trend trading is centered around a heavy resistance structure at a large level, which is then followed by a breakout, the criteria for determining trends represent future trading positions and are the core that we cannot ignore.

For swing operations, the advantage points of long needle false breakthrough and piercing and retraction determine the profit and loss ratio of a transaction. We can choose not to take a position, but we must be clear that we must strive for advantage points in extreme trends. If the volatility retracement is not extreme enough, then it has no trading value.

As for short-term trading, it actually depends on the winning rate. We must follow the market's explosive points. We must chase the meat to our mouths, and at the same time, prevent it from turning around and biting back after eating the prey. So it doesn't matter if you enter late or leave early. The key is your holding time. You don't need to eat the top or bottom of the stage to make money, you only need to eat a part of it. The key is to ensure your winning rate.

2. Do you abide by and strictly follow your core values?

There are a lot of short-term signals entering the market. For those who want to take advantage of the medium-term market, greed when the trend is going well always makes us forget ourselves, but they forget that this is actually jumping out of the environment they are good at and going to an unfamiliar environment to do things they are not good at and play with people they don’t understand. Therefore, success is only a temporary illusion, and the final result will always be failure.

Therefore, the market tests a person, not only whether he can stick to his beliefs in adversity, but also whether he can keep his expectations in prosperity, whether he can "eat only the fish body without complaint" or "take only one scoop from the vast sea and be satisfied".

So don't constantly complicate your transactions in pursuit of higher profits. We should use the simplest and most direct analysis method to make obvious choices, so that the trade-offs you face will be less complicated and you will not easily make mistakes. #大盘走势 #BTC