#SHIBA✅ Mysterious Movement of Inu Whale: Where Are Billions of Tokens Going?

The cryptocurrency market was recently shaken by a mysterious event: A #SHIBA🔥 Inu (SHIB) whale suddenly mobilized billions of tokens. 4 addresses transferred approximately 93 billion SHIB tokens ($2.6 million). Upon closer inspection, 24.99 billion It turned out that the token ($717,730) was purchased and the rest was transferred. The final destination of the transferred tokens is the "OxBbe" address, which contains 26.379 billion SHIB. This address also contains other crypto assets such as Worldcoin, $XRP , INJ and #Ethereum✅ . The world's largest crypto The exchange is involved in the withdrawal process of #Binance $SHIB tokens. The tokens are directed through intermediary wallets, hiding the source and destination of the funds.