The test of spot is whether you can hold it after buying it, and hold it firmly! No matter how big the market fluctuations are, don’t be affected by them!

I know this very well, and I think there are few people who can hold it more firmly than I can! I still remember that when Taobao first became popular, I was lucky enough to be one of the earliest users. I was also an early online shopper! I was wandering around Taobao when I had nothing to do, and I saw some Bitcoin commemorative coins for sale, and I was very curious! Because we all know that some commemorative coins will appreciate in value, I checked the information, especially some foreigners abroad who are very optimistic about this coin. So I spent what I thought was my only savings to buy 3,000 Bitcoins, and when they arrived, I bought a safe to store them!

A few years ago, when I was having a hard time, I thought about selling part of it. In 2021, I checked and found that one Bitcoin was more than 50,000 US dollars. I put 3,000 in my safe. Since it went up, I haven’t dared to let anyone know that I have so many Bitcoins! At that time, I really wanted to take out a hundred and sell them to solve the urgent need, but at that time, many people would raise the price to 100,000 US dollars per coin. I thought about holding it and waiting for 100,000 US dollars per coin. Selling point, you can enjoy everything! So I endured it again and again, gritting my teeth and getting through that stage. Later, it rose to US$60,000 per coin, which strengthened my determination to hold on!

As time goes by, Bitcoin has dropped from nearly 70,000 US dollars a piece to a minimum of more than 20,000 US dollars. At this time, I am no longer anxious and just wait for the arrival of 100,000 US dollars. This year again It has risen to US$70,000 a piece! I recently wanted to buy a villa in Hong Kong for my retirement, but I didn’t have enough funds. I was thinking of selling some of my Bitcoins, so I came to ask if anyone wants to buy one. I checked and now it’s about 70,000 US dollars. I am willing to sell my 1,500 Bitcoins for US$60,000 each, provided that it can be settled in one go. If you are able, please contact me as soon as possible!