Instantly kill all airdrops. This airdrop is so important that you must participate. I was so moved that I almost cried. Then I pledged the track, Binance and Ouyi Investment, similar to ETHFI, you know

Super King-level airdrop, one airdrop, eat three big fish! ! !

Pledge airdrops are often much more profitable than task airdrops (but not all), because they are pledged with real money. For many king-level projects, if you want to get big money (single number minimum guarantee airdrops are 5000u and above), you need to pledge

Into the title:

Deposit ETH (at least 0.05eth, recommended starting with 0.1eth), and receive airdrops for three projects: EigenLayer (1x points), Renzo (1x points), and Zircuit (2x points). These three projects are strategic partnerships with each other. Anyway, by depositing eth, you can get not only eth increase income, but also interest income, and airdrop income from three major projects. If you don't put it, why not do it?

Now let me summarize these three super projects:

EigenLayer: The leader of Ethereum Redemption Protocol (LSD). All the fighters in the Heavenly King class know this. The concept of re-pledge was also proposed by the founder of EigenLayer. Total financing: US$164 million, of which top investment institution a16z invested US$100 million. The total amount of pledges currently exceeds 10 billion US dollars

Renzo: Ethereum Redemption Protocol. Raised 3.2 million US dollars (including okx) + Binance investment (the specific amount has not been announced), the total financing should be 10 million US dollars +

Zircuit: An EVM-compatible zero-knowledge rollup platform. Raised 15 million US dollars, very popular

How to obtain the airdrops of the three major super projects (no more numbers, because it is meaningless, depositing and withdrawing ETH (erc20) requires tens of U of gas fees, and the points are almost entirely determined by the deposit amount):


The gas fee of erc20 is very high. If you pledge less than 5 ETH, you can get airdrops from both eigenlayer and renzo projects by staking ETH from bnb network or arb network.

If you pledge more than 5 ETH, you can use erc20 and get airdrops from three projects: eigenlayer, renzo and zircuit.

Registration link:

For those who eat the third fish, the registration link for zircuit is:

If you use the ETH of the arb or bnb network to save, you will have two fishes, and zircuit will give up.

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