Good morning, brothers. April has arrived before we know it.

This round of bull market has lasted for more than 5 months.

(From the beginning of BTC’s outbreak in early November last year to now)

The market is always born in despair,

grows in half-belief and half-doubt,

matures in anticipation, and is destroyed in madness.

We are still in the "anticipation stage":

Will BTC continue to rise, will it plummet before the halving, and will it go bearish after the halving?

Many people are unable to grasp the big cycle (this problem can be solved in our Shejunyang)

They missed the despair stage, half-belief stage, anticipation stage,

or they could not hold on to these three stages and frequently hesitated and doubted.

Finally, when Fomo rushed in at a high position during the crazy stage, it eventually led to losses.

So I personally think the strategy is

(1) Hold on to the coin, don’t hesitate

(2) Keep 3 layers of bullets and continue to buy at the bottom if there is a big drop

BTC and ETH need large funds to deploy

AR and BNB need medium funds to deploy

Brothers with short positions can also look at chr, stx, and AR, which are still accumulating power