[Daily Market Observation—March 31]

The market is boring and I stopped updating for two days. Today I will write a few words about Ethereum.

Let’s look at the pie first. The price did not fall enough during the previous correction, so it would be difficult for it to rise again. Since it hit 3.25 and reached 70,000, it has been trading sideways around 70,000 for 5 days without much movement, and it has become very weak.

The lower support is around 68000

The upper pressure is obviously 71700, and then goes up to the previous high of 73881

I have seen many friends saying that there will definitely be a big drop before the halving. The logic of judgment is not clear yet, but as the saying goes: pessimists are right, and optimists get rich.

As long as the market does not reach new highs, these pessimistic judgments cannot be falsified and may even become reality at any time.

But I choose to be an optimist and continue to be bullish and long as long as it does not fall below the support zone.

In terms of operation, pay attention to the enemy tactically, low position layout + low leverage + good stop loss.

No matter how strong the wind is, I will remain unmoved.

Let’s talk about ether.

I opened a lot at 3466 in the past two days, the currency standard is 3 times, and the stop loss is now placed at 3477.

The mainstream + low multiplier for old people is a relatively stable play method. It will naturally make me comfortable if it goes up, but it won’t catch me if it doesn’t.

The logic of engaging in ether has been mentioned in the previous post. To do it in this place, the logical focus is not on whether it can steal the limelight from sol, but on the value of the betting rate, which is worth it.

In the short term, in Figure 2, I made a breakthrough at noon. Let’s look at the pressure of 3688, then stand up and look at 4000.

The bread is dead, but the ether is standing. If the age is next month, the world will be prosperous.​​​

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