$BTC $ETH $BNB I won’t argue with you if I am bearish. After three days of sideways fluctuations, the market has broken through the upward resistance level after noon today, and will start to rise next.

There is at most one chance to take long positions below 70,000. Taking long positions in the 69800-70300 area will be much safer than short positions.

The current trend is bullish, and from a band perspective, it is about to end sideways. It is better to focus on the long-term when doing swing trading, and the target should be around 72,500.

If you are a swing trader, you can get out of the market near 71457, and wait for the correction to near 70500 to continue going long.

I predict the trend. I don’t need to talk nonsense whether the accuracy is high or not. Let’s just look at the long-term prediction results.

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Maintaining a high success rate over the long term is no joke.