Trading is the most difficult career in the world to succeed, and it is also the easiest career to make money. It cannot be touched by young people, it cannot be touched by people who have not yet developed their wisdom, they cannot touch it if they have not broken through love, they cannot touch it if they have not been depressed, they cannot touch it if they have not experienced the warmth and ups and downs of human relationships, and they cannot touch it if they are unwilling. It is untouchable when embarking on the path of spiritual practice. Only those who are of the same body as Buddha and Demon will choose this path. This is a path of seeking inward. You must be good at emotional management, know how to enjoy loneliness, have a top understanding of human nature, and dare to break your self-perception. It's both difficult and easy to be gentle on the outside but decisive on the inside. Just focus on your inner spirit.


#新币挖矿 #大盘走势 #WIF #sui $AI