Aleo: Zero-knowledge with uncompromising speed and privacy Zero-knowledge with uncompromising speed and privacy

Build full-stack, private applications with the power of ZK on layer1 Build full-stack, private applications with the power of ZK on layer1

  1. The first public chain to provide fully private applications

    This is zero-knowledge by design.

    This is zero-knowledge design

    Decentralization, scalability, and privacy aren’t mutually exclusive anymore.

    Decentralization, scalability and privacy are no longer mutually exclusive

  2. What are the differences and advantages of Aleo compared with other public chains?

    Decentralization, scalability, and privacy are no longer mutually exclusive

    General public chains such as Ethereum emphasize decentralization, trustlessness, distributed storage, openness, and transparency, but cannot meet users' needs for privacy. Aleo has developed a privacy protection function based on the inherent characteristics of blockchain, which is the difference between Aleo and other public chains and also its advantage.

  3. See what's possible with Aleo

    Low complexity

    Built-in privacy

    High scalability

    Unlimited runtime Unlimited runtime

    Absolute decentralization

    Increased data security

    Start building production-ready ZK apps on Aleo with programming language, Leo.

  4. An all-in-one ZK platform


    Rust-basedDSL with syntax that abstracts low-level cryptography,making it easy to express logic in zero-knowledge.

    A Rust-based DSL whose syntax abstracts low-level cryptography, making it easy to express logic in zero-knowledge.


    Permissionless and scalable network for ZK-powered smartcontracts fueled by our novel consensus protocol,AleoBFT.


    A powerful virtual machine for zero-knowledge execution featuring a custom immediate representation(IR), unlimited runtime, and efficient proof generation.

    Aleo: Zero-knowledge proof that takes performance into consideration, a programmable privacy public chain.

    1. What is zero-knowledge proof and how does it relate to Aleo?

      What is Zero-Knowledge Proof?

      Zero-knowledge proofs were proposed by S. Goldwasser, S. Micali and C. Rackoff in the early 1980s. It is a method to prove the validity of a statement without exposing the statement itself. The "prover" is the party trying to prove the statement, while the "verifier" is responsible for verifying the statement.

      Zero-knowledge proofs first appeared in a 1985 paper, “The knowledge complexity of interactive proof systems”, which provided the definition of zero-knowledge proofs widely used today: A zero-knowledge protocol is a method by which one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) ​​that something is true, without revealing any information other than the fact that this particular claim is true. Over the years, zero-knowledge proofs have been improved, and now they are used in multiple real-world applications.

      Here's how it works in practice:

      a. Ethereum does not process every transaction, but offloads the execution to a separate chain.

      b. After processing the transaction, the other chain returns the result which is applied to the Ethereum state.

      The benefit here is that Ethereum does not need to perform any operations, it only needs to apply the results of the outsourced computation to its state. This reduces network congestion and also increases transaction speed (off-chain protocols are optimized for faster execution).

      This is where verifiable computation comes into play. When a node executes a transaction outside of Ethereum, it submits a zero-knowledge proof to prove the correctness of the off-chain execution. This proof (called a validity proof) guarantees that the transaction is valid, allowing Ethereum to apply the result to its state without waiting for anyone to dispute it. Zero-knowledge rollups and validiums are two off-chain scaling solutions that use validity proofs to provide secure scalability. These protocols execute thousands of transactions off-chain and submit verification proofs on Ethereum. Once the proofs are verified, these results can be applied immediately, allowing Ethereum to process more transactions without increasing base layer computation.

      What's the connection with Aleo?

      In today's Internet age, on the one hand, the Internet provides a lot of convenience to our daily lives. On the other hand, the Internet is also constantly collecting various data about us. These seemingly scattered data are aggregated into big data, and almost everyone has become a "transparent person". Once these data are leaked or misappropriated, it will cause us privacy exposure and direct economic losses.

      In 2020, some netizens broke the news that some fans secretly used the personal identity information of the star Wu Lei to exchange Wu Lei's flight mileage points for air tickets and used them for themselves and their friends. This situation has lasted for three years. Subsequently, many celebrities posted that they had also encountered airline mileage fraud. This incident exposed the privacy problems of the celebrity group.

      According to a survey, 43.6% of Chinese netizens have encountered network security problems, of which personal information leakage accounts for the highest proportion. In fact, the privacy issues that exist on the Internet also exist in blockchain.

      Let us first tell you a cruel truth about the blockchain world: there is no privacy in blockchain at all.

      As blockchain data analysis companies become more and more professional, and as many exchanges require users to undergo KYC real-name authentication, it is now easy to bind a person’s real identity to his or her Web3 identity.

      Moreover, almost all blockchains are currently open and transparent. Users have no choice but to disclose their account balances, transaction information, and every move on the blockchain. This is like making all your social media, Uber taxi records, Google search records, emails, etc. public to others.

      Imagine living in a house with only glass walls but no curtains. Everyone who passes by your house can see what you own and what you do. This is the price of Web3 without privacy.

      And since blockchain data cannot be deleted once it is made public, your exposed privacy will remain on the blockchain forever.

      Since the birth of smart contracts, they have faced two major defects. The first is the transparency caused by the underlying design. There is no privacy and anyone’s account balance can be queried.

      The second drawback is that they do not scale to millions, let alone billions, of users. These limitations exist because trust needs to be verified.

      Bitcoin and Ethereum, which we are familiar with, fall into quadrants three and four respectively. Both lack privacy, while the latter has better programmability.

      The single-function privacy products represented by the second quadrant were a hot topic in the past. A typical example is ZCash, which is widely used in anonymous transfers compared to Bitcoin transfers. With its innovative zero-knowledge proof technology, it combines privacy with the single function of transfers.

      However, this is the only limit. ZCash cannot combine privacy with more extensive programmability. Therefore, we can foresee that the next opportunity and hot spot in the market will be projects that combine privacy and programmability well.

      Aleo belongs to the first quadrant. Aleo is the first public chain that uses zero-knowledge proof to solve privacy issues while ensuring programmability. Aleo protects user information privacy through zero-knowledge proof, including hiding transaction information (amount, time), while allowing users to choose the degree of privacy disclosure.

      In terms of scalability, Aleo transfers smart contract execution to off-chain, thereby ensuring the feasibility of tens of thousands of transactions per second.

      ZPU (Zero-Knowledge Processing Unit)

      We believe that the future dominated by ZPU is the widespread application of general ZK in computers, tablets, mobile phones, laptops, game consoles, IoT devices and other fields. It is also the dividend and incremental direction leading the mining industry reform in the future, and there are long-term wealth opportunities. The Aleo project must have a place.

      Disclaimer: The above content does not constitute investment advice, please make your own judgment. Investment is risky, please invest with caution. #ETH(二饼) #ETHFI⁩