Lily was scammed by someone who promise 30% ROI(Project name: if she completed some tasks. Most of the payments were made using her bank account, the last payment she was asked to make a crypto deposit through Binance. After making each payment, she was asked again and again for more funds in order to receive the earnings.
Lily reported this fraudulent address to us: “TL935sLWmLK9siHiSUEfZmQ2zooiAbNwyV”, and then this address was entered into the Binance blacklist, which successfully prevented more than 50 users from being scammed for withdrawing.
Binance has cooperated with leading security companies in the Web3 industry to build a global address database. Based on extensive address data, we help users avoid withdrawing funds to risky addresses.
#StaySAFU  #RiskControl  #AntiScamEducation