I still remember that the last violent bull market started in mid-October 2020. At that time, Binance happened to launch a thousand-fold IEO coin AXS (ah crab). This coin increased from 0.1 to 165 knives, a direct increase of more than 1,600 times. , is also a token that has been in the mad bull market for the entire year from October 2020 to November 2021.

Strictly speaking, the last bull market lasted for a year. Although BTC has been rising since the March 12 market in 2020, the trading volume and driving speed are not crazy cows. The real pull-back that never looked back was in October 2020. At that time, the price at which the bull market started was consistent with the bottom price of BTC in November 2022, both around 16,000 knives.

In 2020, there were relatively few bloggers in the currency circle, because at that time, as long as the coins in the currency circle were not particularly junk coins, it was a routine, telling stories, painting pie, and convincing people with gains.

I said at that time (2020.10) that the next year will be the most important wealth transfer opportunity in your life. Except for sleeping, any time you leave the currency circle for even one minute is disrespectful to the market.

Then within a year, many big fortunes were born in the Yuanverse Gamefi sector, such as AXS, RACA Yuan Beast, Farmer's World, GMT running shoes, etc., all increased by hundreds or thousands of times.

Maybe you will be very anxious, maybe you will hate yourself for entering the currency circle too late, then you are totally wrong!

The new narrative of BRC20 was born at the beginning of 2023 this year, and with the blessing of BTC2024 spot ETF and halving market, it is really a perfect fit.

Therefore, ORDI, which represents the leading currency, has been rising all the way. After experiencing a deep decline in the news yesterday, we made an early arrangement to enter the market on Friday to buy the bottom + yesterday we output the emotional value for you to buy boldly. After waking up, we used 20 for a V-shaped reversal. The leverage was enough to achieve a profit of 300%+!

The current circulating market value of ORDI is about 1.5 billion, and the corresponding currency price is 70U.

So when the market value reaches 2 billion US dollars, won’t the currency price reach three digits?

Specifically, it depends on whether you have the bottom chips? Can I buy the dip? Is there an entry point strategy for buying?