Trend and support / resistance analysis of artificial intelligence:

Price Chart Analysis:

1. General Price Structure and Characteristics: This 4-hour price chart appears to be in an overall uptrend. Prices continued their upward trend by creating higher lows and higher highs.

2. General Direction of Price Movement: Price movements followed an upward trend. Although short-term fluctuations exist, the overall outlook shows that the upward trend continues.

3. Support Levels:

a. 0.07078 – This level represents the point where the price has previously tested and risen several times.

b. 0.06717 - A level where the price reacts and changes direction after a significant decline.

c. 0.06500 - When examined from a long-term perspective, it can be seen that it has formed support below this level several times.

4. Resistance Levels:

a. 0.08115 - The price peaked at this level several times and corrected.

b. 0.08220 - This is a less tested level and the price seems to have difficulty breaking through here.

c. 0.08820 - This price previously served as a resistance point and strong selling pressure was encountered.

5. Power Analysis:

- The 0.07078 level appears to be a very strong support as the price has held and changed direction at this point multiple times.

- The 0.08115 resistance level stands out as a strong resistance with a wide testing range. Several examples can be seen where the price approaches this level and pulls back.