U.K. court freezes £6M of Craig Wright’s assets amid Bitcoin creator claim

The judge endorsed the ‘worldwide freezing order’ the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) requested to address COPA’s total court expenses amounting to $8,471,225 (£6,703,747.91).

A United Kingdom court sanctioned the freezing of £6 million ($7.6 million) in Craig Wright’s assets to prevent him from evading court expenses tied to his assertion of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the Bitcoin BTC$70,156 network’s creator.

The decision was made after Wright transferred some of his assets outside the U.K. after a court verdict debunking his claim to be Nakamoto. According to a U.K. court document, this prompted him to shift shares of his London firm, RCJBR Holding, to a Singaporean entity on March 18. Judge James Mellor wrote in the document

Understandably, that gave rise to serious concerns on COPA’s part that Dr Wright was implementing measures to seek to evade the costs and consequences of his loss at trial


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