STX gives you BTC, GNS gives you DAI and GMX gives you ETH. It's that easy.

You hold a certain amount of STX for 30, 60, 90 or 120 days and earn BTC after the number of days you HOLD. It's not complicated, it's just holding one Token to earn another.

In my case I keep the preferred assets, and I trade from time to time with the Trading Bots (Before trading, see how the market moves so as not to lose assets!!)

Although if you are not patient, and you need the money quickly, you can always go for Spot or Futures Trading. Remember that if you are not careful, you can lose or be Liquidated.

In my case, I prefer to hold Tokens and passively earn some money. I don't take care of my money, what I earned with the WorldCoin APP, I get my income, and I sell the Token when it goes up, changing it to USDT, and buying STX, GNS and GMX. It also holds USDT or FDUSD, which have a higher APR.

Another Token to hold by Launchpool and Launchpad is BNB, if you can hold it for certain days they will give you the Token for free. The more BNB you hold, the more Launchpool Token they will give you. The next Token to be released is ENA, so don't miss it. Of course, to win with FDUSD, you must enter the Launchpool/Launchpad, and stake FDUSD directly.

They are my methods that I use to earn money little by little and for my future.