Although WLD, and the company behind the Token, have had a lot of controversy, problems, etc... The Token/Cryptocurrencies as well, has kept fluctuating between 8.0 to 9.0

The highest point was for March 8 to 9 of the current year. From that moment on, the currency fell a percentage and has remained stable over time.

Although the company has been "transparent" in the sense of providing the files and codes through Github and GitLab, regarding how the ORB works, its algorithm to save biometrics in a HASH code, etc., etc. The company continues to suffer lawsuits from the governments of certain countries.

Likewise, users can always read the company's terms and services, and supposedly, now the data is stored on each mobile phone, with users being the ones who save their personal information through the APP, or at least that is what I have been able to do. read me.

I think the currency can still rise, and the system is not that bad. Furthermore, more than 4 and a half million people have already been verified in ORBEs.

What do you think about the system, and the future of the Token?

If possible, help me reach 5 verified with my code on WorldCoin. I'm only missing 2 people. Now and before April 7, you can earn 73 WLD before the year ends.