Be ready for anything! You may be about to have a chip implanted in your brain. can be worn at any time. today or tomorrow. or closer than tomorrow.

A different coin, not BTC, may emerge for these chips. You can make payments with the signal these chips receive from you while shopping in the market. So what happens now?

The coin market is always developing and we can see that developing coins follow a different path.

Maybe artificial intelligence coins can come into play here. But when looked at from the other side, we thought that it could not be reconciled with artificial intelligence. This is a systemic technology with software that takes command mode and sensitivity and perception management.

There may be a separate coin with these features, but the companies that design the chips can offer their own coins to the market. We will keep track of the developments very soon and will announce them to you. We are moving into an exciting period.

#Binance #Technology #chip