For institutional bankers, although it is relatively small to invest a large amount at a low level (the price at a low level is definitely cheaper), the institutional banker will definitely not release all the amount at one time at the low level of the start-up.


When most retail investors see a large increase at a low level, they will definitely give up and chase it. After a while, the upward momentum created by retail investors gradually weakens, the price is not very affordable, and it cannot attract more retail investors to follow.

So at this moment, the institutional banker will definitely invest another part of the funds prepared in advance to raise the price, creating a climax of rising waves. At this time, retail investors felt that there was still a chance and increased their chips. The result was that the bankers began to gradually ship goods and retreated, while retail investors could only take over the orders at a high position.

The most typical example is that the currency price is already at a relatively high level, and when the dealers' buying orders are intensively involved, creating a volume-price relationship with a large shrinkage and increase, retail investors must be alert to conditioned reflexes at this time, because there is the possibility of attracting bulls. Sex is not ordinary high.