Trend and support / resistance analysis of artificial intelligence:

Graphic Analysis:

1. General structure of price movements: Price movements on the chart show a wavy structure. Prices experienced frequent rises and falls and were organized around major support and resistance zones.

2. General direction of price movements: Prices generally showed a horizontal trend throughout the time period examined in the chart; No obvious upward or downward trend is noticed.

3. Support and resistance levels and strength analysis:

- Support Levels:

a. 7,970 – This level marks the low prices on the left side of the chart and the price has rallied from this level once, so it can be considered a potential support.

b. 8.618 - It is seen that the price has returned from this level more than once and maintained this level. Accordingly, it can be considered as a stronger support level.

c. 9.269 - This level can be seen as a current and important support as it is an area where the price has touched and reacted more than once recently.

- Resistance Levels:

a. 9.765 – The price appears to have reached and returned to this level several times so it can be identified as a resistance level.

b. 10,346 - There is historical data where the price has touched this level and been rejected, although it has been tested fewer times.

c. 11.142 - The price appears to have reached this level only once and can be considered a strong resistance point. This level represents the highest price point in the upper right part of the chart.


- Considering the volatile nature of the price, the mentioned support and resistance levels can serve as possible turning points in the future.

- Additional information and observations (e.g. volume data or relevant news) may be required to confirm relevant support and resistance levels.

- Since the indicated levels are calculated based on recent price movements and tested zones, these levels may need to be updated as market conditions change.