The application programming interface (API) of the OKX digital currency trading platform recently suffered a technical glitch that left behind incorrect account balances for its users in Singapore, Japan, and the United States. According to reports from the OKX channel on Telegram. Platform users who were affected by the flaw faced a number of obstacles, from accounts showing zero balances, to other accounts showing fake balances in the millions of dollars. The widespread nature of the OKX API flaw caused great frustration among traders who reported losses. As a result of their inability to access or close their trades.

OKX acknowledges the Rest API issues and reassures users

In response to a backlog of user complaints, OKX acknowledged issues with its Rest API, which allows it to connect to external services via standard HTTP requests. The Rest API experienced an outage during this period, resulting in errors, misdata, and failures when trying to Executing trade deals.

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