​​Director’s 10987th original daily market analysis 2023.6.5

1. Market sentiment:


2. Chart structure:


#BTC Structure of 1H:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Through personal experience, the probability of an upward breakthrough of this kind of convergent triangle will be relatively high. As long as it does not fall below the support of the convergent triangle, then there will not be a big problem, which is around 27,000 .

If it falls below, it will be a closing rectangular shock. If it does not fall below, it will not be a big problem. However, the overall market will still fluctuate in the range of 27500-26500.

​       If you are doing trending, the suggestion is to wait for it to go to the right side and follow it, that is, after choosing the direction, otherwise it is mainly oscillating in the center. Just do the reverse operation when you get close to that side.


#BTC 30F structure:

​       At present, the structure of the big cake 30F has taken a central axis, and the central position here is relatively small, and it fluctuates within the range of 26900-27350.        However, even if you choose to break through, there is still a large central axis outside this 30F central axis. That is, the two important support and pressure positions of 26500-27500, so the short-term breakthrough will not affect the direction of the large central axis. A breakthrough of the large central axis is required to have a certain direction choice.




#ETH Structure of 1H:

​      A 1H top divergence has appeared here for Auntie, and its trend is the same as that of Pie in Pie. A 1H top divergence has also appeared here for Pie in Pie.

​        The trend of Auntie was originally strong, but because of the big cake, Auntie will be led into a bad place, so we still need to pay attention.

​        Overall, we still need to pay more attention to the trend of Bitcoin, mainly because there is not enough money in the market to allow it to move independently. Trading strategy:


The market changes too fast, and many reminders cannot be given in time, and it is impossible to explain the market clearly when it changes, so you can follow me

​ ​ Tips

Investing is risky. Invest with spare money. Remember to never fully invest and do not take out loans. We only provide information, which does not constitute buying or selling advice. You are free to buy and sell at your own risk.