If you have 10 FET, it will be converted to 10 ASI.
If you have 10 AGIX, you multiply 0.4335 (times) the 10 AGIX you have and you will have 4.335 ASI.
If you have 10 fet and 10 AGIX, in the end you will have 14.335 ASI.
However AGIX targets $5 to $10 at halving
The FET targets for me go up to $8 and $10.
The profitability percentage of AGIX and OCEAN is higher than that of FET at this time.
AGIX and OCEAN to make 600% would have to hit $10
Meanwhile the FET seeking $10 would give a return of just 200%
Fet would have to hit above $20 to match the earning power that OCEAN and AGIX would have if it went for $10