What do you think of Liang Xi, a 17-year-old Chinese national who flipped 1,000 yuan to 10 million yuan in 7 days (May 19, 2021) and is known as the currency contract genius?

Theoretically, 100,000 monkeys who only know how to play stud gamble coins in an absolutely fair, just and open casino (a casino that does not rake, charge no handling fees, do not personally exit the game, do not peep, and does not open the gate) (the winner will split the loser equally) or chips)

After 14 rounds of stud, it is expected that there will be 6 monkeys whose chips will increase 10,000 times.

The reality is that there are 1 million late-stage Homo sapiens who opened contracts to play stud in a casino that pumped money, charged fees, exited the casino in person, peeked at automatic transaction data, and liked to roll back when there was a power outage, but only one was produced. A monkey that has doubled 10,000 times, what does this mean?

Let me talk about another thing, there is a big boss who has 100 million chips, and you have 1,000 chips. You go to stud to bet coins, and every time the boss offers the same chips as you, what is the probability of you leaving the game with your butt naked? It's 99.99%

If this big boss is a casino owner, it may not be enough for you to leave naked, but they will also stuff your ass with a bunch of debts #币圈投资策略 #BTC

I am the God of Wealth, a veteran in the currency industry, and I only tell the truth. If you are interested in the currency circle and want to get started quickly but feel confused, please follow me and contact me through the homepage. I will provide you with real, valuable advice to help you move forward steadily. Let’s explore, grow and create brilliance in the currency circle together!