At the highest level of RAM currency speculation, I think there are three types of people, which can be regarded as three types of ruthless people:

1. When you buy, you lock the position. You don’t read or analyze the market. You don’t sell until the target price is reached. You are considered one of the ruthless people in the currency speculation industry!

2. Have a very clear grasp of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics is the hardest thing to grasp. The market is very complex and huge. Those who can master macroeconomics are the ones who really make big money. Of course, it also requires a lot of patience and waiting ability.

3. Short-term experts are the ceiling of technical analysis. This type of ruthless person is more suitable for small funds. If you give him 100,000 yuan, he will make you 10 times or 8 times in a year. It’s no problem.

If you fall into any of the above three realms, congratulations, financial freedom is for you!

In fact, for ordinary people, it is easiest to become the first type of ruthless person. You only need to choose a target and take it. Now I recommend you to use the grapefruit memory ram, the system comes with a pull disk, unlimited deflation! When the pie goes up, RAM goes up; when the pie goes sideways, RAM also goes up; when the pie pulls back, RAM continues to rise.