Decentralization is a foundational concept in blockchain and cryptocurrency, but it's essential to understand its full implications. In a truly decentralized blockchain, control isn't centralized in one entity or authority. While this means there is no single point of failure and increased transparency, it also presents unique challenges. A key challenge is the lack of centralized oversight or regulation, making the blockchain a double-edged sword. On the one hand, decentralization fosters innovation, freedom, and privacy. On the other hand, it leaves the door open for potential scams and malicious activities. In such an environment, responsibility for safety and security falls upon individual users. In this context, due diligence becomes crucial for anyone considering investing in a cryptocurrency project. Rather than simply following advice from influencers or other external sources, individuals should conduct thorough research into the project's credibility, utility, team, and community support. This includes understanding the project's vision, use case, underlying technology, financial model, and the transparency of its operations. Influence-driven investment strategies can be perilous. If an individual invests based on the hype generated by others, particularly influencers who may have vested interests, they may inadvertently become a source of "exit liquidity". This term refers to a situation where early investors, including the influencers themselves, sell off their holdings for a profit, leading to a sudden drop in the value of the investment for those who remain. Therefore, in a decentralized world, self-education and cautious decision-making become pivotal. While blockchain technology and decentralization bring numerous opportunities, they also require individuals to be proactive in protecting their interests. This scenario underscores the importance of individual responsibility in the world of decentralized finance.