We asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Bitcoin 👀

"In the realm of bits and bytes, a vision was born, A digital marvel, a currency reborn. Bitcoin, they called it, a magical code, Unleashing a revolution, down a new road.

Mysterious Satoshi, a name unknown, A brilliant mind, a seed he had sown. A peer-to-peer system, decentralized might,

A spark in the darkness, shining so bright. From skeptics and naysayers, it faced its foes, Yet Bitcoin emerged, stronger it rose.

Mining the depths, with computational power, Bit by bit, creating coins by the hour. The blockchain, a ledger, transparent and true, Recording transactions, for all to view.

No borders could bind it, no boundaries confine, Bitcoin, a global currency, so divine. Transcending the limits of paper and gold, A digital asset, a story yet untold."