Has EOS been sentenced to death?

In the minds of many people, EOS is dead. Looking at its price, it looks like it has been abandoned. Many people hate him because they loved him too deeply before. After all, he was once third. Like everyone else, I hate him.

Why do I still miss him? Because of RAM.

If it weren’t for the additional issuance of RAM 6 years ago, EOS would be in second place now.

If RAM hadn't stopped being issued a few days ago, I wouldn't have come back.

Not only has RAM stopped issuing new tokens, it will be transferable immediately, and the tokenization proposal is also being reviewed and approved.

Once passed, the RAM token WRAM will appear on the exchange.

People who don’t know how to register an EOS account can also trade RAM to experience the charm of Bancor Protocol.

RAM is currently the only Bancor protocol.

Anyone who has learned about the Banco Agreement will be excited about it. After reading it, you will never be able to stand those idiots again.

After watching Bancor, I will no longer be interested in Ethereum or SOL. The most similar scenario you can think of is buying pizza with BTC at that time.

Because most people have missed getting up early in BTC, do they still want to miss this only Bancor protocol?

It is said that a prodigal son never comes back with gold. EOS was once a prodigal son. Now he wants to change his ways. Will he miss 6 years? In the past 6 years, have other competitors’ technologies advanced by leaps and bounds? Is EOS lagging behind its peers?

No, since EOS, a blockchain product that fully complies with industrial processes, was launched and declined, colleagues came to the conclusion that those who work hard on technology will die, so they all started to develop concept products. What a idiot, meme , these fires. But those who are dedicated to technology are ignored. Therefore, instead of falling behind, EOS has been far ahead.

RAM has stopped issuance.

RAM drives people who know him crazy.

The native dog meme is destined to cut leeks, why don't you try out different Banco protocols.