" $PEPE will reach 0.5$ or 1$ by the end of 2024! " .


People can believe unreal and illogical news for several reasons:

1) Confirmation Bias: People tend to believe information that confirms their existing beliefs and ignore or dismiss information that contradicts them.

2) Misinformation and Disinformation: False information can spread rapidly, especially on social media, and people may not always verify the accuracy of what they see before believing it.

3) Emotional Influence: Emotions can play a significant role in belief formation. People may believe in something that evokes strong emotions, such as fear or hope, even if the information is not logical or supported by evidence.

4) Cognitive Biases: Various cognitive biases, such as the availability heuristic or the bandwagon effect, can lead people to believe in information that may not be true.

5) Trust in Sources: People may trust certain sources of information, such as friends, family, or influencers, without critically evaluating the information they provide.

6);Lack of Critical Thinking Skills: Some individuals may not have developed strong critical thinking skills, making them more susceptible to believing in misinformation.

Complexity of Information: Some topics, especially in fields like science or economics, can be complex and difficult to understand. People may rely on simplified or inaccurate explanations, leading to belief in unreal or illogical information.

Desire for Sensationalism: Sensational or shocking news can be more attention-grabbing, leading people to believe in it without questioning its accuracy.



The fact is : #PEPE will never reach 0.5$ or 1$ , based on real logical data ✓ .