Investing in cryptocurrency (crypto) can bring high profits, but also has equal risks. Here are some of the main risks when investing in crypto:

1. Price fluctuations: The prices of cryptocurrencies often fluctuate strongly and are difficult to predict. This can result in losing money or not achieving expected profits.

2. Security: Cryptocurrency exchanges can be subject to cyber attacks or hacks, leading to loss of user funds.

3. Legal: Legal regulations on cryptocurrencies are being shaped and may change in the future. This could affect the value of cryptocurrencies.

4. Market: The cryptocurrency market is very young and unstable, so investing in crypto may encounter market risks.

5. Competition: There are many different cryptocurrencies, so investing in a particular one may not achieve expected returns due to competition.

To minimize the risks when investing in crypto, you should carefully learn about the market, cryptocurrencies and exchanges before deciding to invest. Additionally, you should also invest a small portion of your assets in crypto and not invest too much to avoid losing money.

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