History is useful for reference, but comparison cannot be made in this way. If we refer to history, we need to refer to all previous bull markets to be valuable. In the bull market from 2015 to 2017, there was no sharp drop or a second bottom before the halving. In 2020-2021, there was a sharp drop like a second bottom. So historically speaking, there is a bull market in circle B, and the bull-bear law is the essence, but the process is not exactly the same. "History will not repeat itself, but it will be surprisingly similar." It means that the bull-bear trend will not be the same every time, but the bull-bear pattern will always exist.

Therefore, whether there will be a sharp decline or whether there will be a second bottom, this needs to be judged through the market, rather than by the trend of the previous bull market.

I personally think that although it is unlikely that the market will fall sharply, it will be difficult to break new highs and rise sharply in the short term. After all, if the bull market wants to continue to rise, it needs to attract funds through various narratives and hot spots. Only with more funds can the pie rise better. Therefore, there will be market trends in the future, but most likely they will not be market trends for the big pie, but sectors that are in line with the current development of the blockchain and will soon have narratives. April is a month full of opportunities and vitality, when everything begins to recover.