In the past two days, the Multichain protocol has encountered unforeseen issues that have impacted its normal operations. Despite the team's best efforts, we are currently unable to contact CEO Zhaojun and gain access to the necessary servers for maintenance.

Earlier today, the scanning node network of Router5 experienced a significant issue, resulting in disruptions to the cross-chain services of certain chains. Unfortunately, this problem surpasses the team's current permissions and capabilities. To safeguard our users' interests, we have made the decision to temporarily suspend the corresponding cross-chain services for the affected chain on the user interface (UI). It is worth noting that a similar incident occurred with Router2 last week.

We sincerely appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our users during this time. Additionally, we kindly request that our partners refrain from directly calling the Multichain protocol smart contracts on or to the affected chain for any cross-chain operations.

The chains affected by this temporary suspension of cross-chain services are as follows: Kekchain, PublicMint, Dyno Chain, Red Light Chain, Dexit, Ekta, HPB, ONUS, Omax, Findora, and Planq.

At Binance, the security and reliability of our platform are of utmost importance to us. While we are actively working to resolve the issues with the Multichain protocol, we understand the inconvenience this may cause and assure our users that we are taking all necessary steps to address the situation promptly.

We will provide updates as soon as we have further information regarding the resolution of the issues and the restoration of normal cross-chain services on the affected chains. Thank you for your patience and continued support as we navigate through these challenges together.