"Secrets" for currency trading, all useful information

Ten trading tips

1. Trend is king: It is very important to learn to refer to the monthly and weekly trends. Use 5 times leverage, maintain a 10% position, and always conduct contract transactions on a currency basis.

2. Buying and selling strategy: The simplest method that novices can adopt is to hold the 5-day line in the short term and sell if it falls below the 5-day line; the mid-line is based on the 20-day line and leave the market if it falls below. If you want to succeed in trading, you need to persist and find an investment method that suits you. 3. Judgment and operation of the main rising wave: when the main rising wave is formed and there is no obvious increase in volume, enter the market decisively; if there is a heavy increase in volume, you can wait and see; if If the volume shrinks and the trend is not broken, you can continue to hold the currency. If the volume falls and falls below the trend, reduce your position in response.

4. Short-term trading principles: If there is no fluctuation within three days after buying, you can consider leaving the market; if it does not rise but falls after buying, and you will lose up to 5%, stop the loss decisively.

5. Opportunity for oversold rebound. When a currency falls by 50% from a high and continues to fall for 8 consecutive days, it may enter an oversold channel. You may consider following up to gain rebound profits.

6. The charm of leading coins. When speculating in currencies, the first thing to pay attention to is leading coins. They are the leaders in the rise and fall of the market and are very resistant, so don’t be afraid of missing the opportunity to get on board. In the short-term trading market of leading coins, Buying high and selling higher is the key

7. Follow the general trend. Don’t think that it is safe to go long at low points and short at high points. You should also look at the recent general trends and learn to follow the trend. Remember to buy blindly and learn to look for opportunities.

8. Keep a cool head and don’t be carried away by the joy of profit. Sustained profits require careful review to determine whether it is luck or strength. A stable and suitable trading system is the guarantee of sustained profits.

9. Learn to short positions and don’t trade for the sake of trading. In situations of uncertainty, do not force a position. Short positioning is a science, and sometimes it is more important to wait patiently for better opportunities than to trade frequently.

10. The core of trading: Trading is not about pursuing frequency, but about success rate.

Before every transaction, the first thing to consider is how to preserve capital.

Only a sustained success rate can bring real benefits. After all, no one knows what will happen tomorrow in the crypto market. Only by doing your own research can you truly strategize.