A few days ago, Brother Panda shared the 0-cost big-name project tabi zero-cost first phase. The L1 game chain tabichain that is compatible with the EVM chain has now launched the second phase of activities, and it is still 0-cost!

1. First, enter the official website:


Then connect wallet, use Xiaohuli or OKX to link evm address wallet

2. Enter the invitation code

The second phase of the event requires limited invitation codes, and is based on a first-come, first-served basis. Here are 20 of them for you to try out in order from the beginning to the end.

3. Social tasks

If the invitation code is available, you will enter this interface and you can see many social tasks, including Twitter, DC, Reddit forum, etc., and do them one by one.

4. Trading NFT tasks

The third to last task is to trade NFT. The tokens used in the transaction are from the tabi test chain. First go to the faucet: https://faucet.testnet.tabichain.com/

Get the test tokens before trading.

This kind of task is simple, not complicated, and has zero payout, so don't miss it.