👇👇👌👌 Tips 📢
▫️✔️Another cliche but so true:
1️⃣✔️Your first bull market is a learning experience.
2️⃣✔️The second upward round is a profitable experience.
3️⃣✔️And everything after that will achieve true freedom.
▫️✔️Important note: You can skip step 1 if you start in a bear market.
▫️✔️I have seen some people still fail even after the second round. We hope this will not happen again.
▫️✔️I think it will be very difficult to spoil the second round since we will have to sell to newcomers
▫️✔️Message to newcomers from the future Thank you for making some of today’s traders the millionaires of the future.
▫️✔️As the previous ones did to investors today, this is the state of the financial markets, unfortunately.
▫️✔️So try not to fall victim to this rise, learn well, be careful, and do not trust anyone.