🚨🚨⛔Crypto is often presented as a tool for freedom and financial transparency. However, an explosive report from the United Nations has tarnished this image. It reveals that North Korea is massively exploiting crypto-assets for reprehensible and illegal purposes. A secret with serious consequences for international stability.

Crypto, an unexpected and massive source of income

An official United Nations report lifts the veil on a disturbing reality. North Korea now earns a considerable portion of its foreign currency revenue from crypto criminal activity.

The figures are alarming. Since 2017, these illicit activities have reportedly earned him more than $3 billion. Or around half of its total revenues in foreign currencies over this period.

The year 2023 has been a particularly successful year for North Korean hackers. They allegedly stole more than $750 million in crypto in 17 separate attacks.

The techniques used are diverse and formidable. Social engineering, third-party attacks, wallet hacking… Nothing is spared by these highly organized hacker groups.

Some of the stolen funds are also laundered through crypto brokers and mixers. A sophisticated process aimed at covering the tracks