#HotTrends and #BinanceFutures

Dear users... If you have a limited capital or if you are still a novice in trading, then please do not use #Leverage in your operations.

Why? It's simple. It's not your money, that's why.

Let's say you have 10 USDT and if you use 5x leverage, then your trading amount is 50 USDT.

Where that 40 USDT comes from? From the exchange. You are borrowing a money for trading and using a money you don't own.

That is why you can get liquidated.

Until you become a confident trader that can safely analyze the market, leverage is your worst nightmare.

Instead, go for #LimitOrder in Spot trade. Set limit for entry, and set limit for take profit levels. Create price alerts for price marks.

That way you'll be mostly safe. Also, what you gain or lose will be yours only.

Please, be responsible.
